As we walked into the convention, Iron Lady was getting set up. I thought the display looked pretty cool.
After walking around for a bit, we checked out the Batman museum, which had a lot of neat stuff.
The Batmobile was even on display.
It was cool to see artwork that wasn't Batman-related as well.
When walking towards the artists' alley, the DeLorean from the Back to the Future movies was on display and some Judge Dredd cosplayers were enjoying a conversation.
It's always cool to see the Bay Area Ghostbusters around and they were posing for pictures.
Luke, his dad, and his brother had to leave early, so I hung around for about two hours and got some good deals on comics. There was these two people there -- I guess they're a married couple -- that I bought some comics from last year for a dollar each. I was wondering if they were gonna be there again this year and they were, so I bought some old Fantastic Four and Avengers comics as well as two Doom Patrol comics. I'm starting to become a Doom Patrol and although my Doom Patrol collection is just getting started, I do plan on checking out the rest of John Arcudi's run since I've heard good things about it. When I was at the booth, one of the Doom Patrol comics that caught my attention was from John Arcudi's run.
Anyway, I got around to meeting some of the artists I wanted to meet, which was nice. I started off with Shelly Byers and Gerhard.
They were nice and I enjoyed talking to Gerhard all things Cerebus and comics-related. I had him sign some of my stuff and he was particularly fond of my copy of TMNT Vol. 1 #8, where Cerebus had made an appearance. I even got to check out a Swamp Thing Bernie Wrightson piece that he had done the background art for.
Next was Mike Zeck, who signed my copy of Kraven's Last Hunt.

And least but not least, I talked to Nick Bradshaw for a bit and had him sign some of Army of Darkness comics.
On my way out, I snagged the Silver Surfer: Requiem series and the Marvel Select Lizard figure. I had a fun time overall except for the part where my legs felt like Jell-O. I look forward to next year's convention.
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